Little Changes, Big Impact: Wall Shapes

If you’re looking for simple ways to give a room in your home some appeal, what about painting some shapes onto the walls?  Now, you could accomplish this by painting just a few geometrical shapes all over the walls, randomly placing squares and circles, but don’t limit yourself to that. For example, think about your laundry room.  What if you’d …

Little Changes, Big Impact: Paint Some Second Hand Furniture

Continuing in our series about small paint projects that will have a big payoff, we’re going to talk today about painting furniture. But before we start by throwing out some examples, I want to first take a second and acquaint (or reacquaint) you with the creative home decorator’s greatest friend: the junk shop. Lining the shelves in countless junk shops …

Little Changes, Big Impact: Paint Behind a Vase

You don’t always need to completely overhaul a room to infuse some interest and excitement into your decorating. Sometimes you can make a huge impact with less than a quart of paint and in less than 20 minutes. In this little blog-series, we’ll explore some simple ways you can add some “pop” to your decorating without taking a “hit” in …

8 Easy Ways to Increase Curb Appeal

Increasing the curb appeal of your home doesn’t need to be a paint project that lasts all summer long–you don’t need to paint your entire home in order to bump up it’s appearance. Oh, that always helps–and really, nothing will accomplish a complete renewal of your home than a new paint job–but it’s not always necessary. Here are 8 sure-fire …