Episode 245: Organization Skills for the New Year, Making Your Home a Space YOU Love, and Drop Cloths

SEGMENTS 1 and 2: Organizational Skills for the New Year

Many of us aren’t as organized as we’d like to be. It’s a goal, sure, but getting there isn’t always easy. In these two segments, we talk about a number of skills to develop that will help you on the journey. (And yes, it’s a journey… Understanding that is part of the recipe for success!) Here are some of our recommendations:

  • Have a place for everything and put everything in its place
  • Put items away now, rather than later
    • Tools
    • Dishes
    • Dirty clothes
  • Develop a productive routine
    • Open and deal with mail on a daily basis
    • Have a set day for watering plants
    • Wash dishes after every dinner
  • Label everything!
    • If you go down the road of storing items in totes . . . label them!
    • And maintain those labels — when items change, relabel
  • Stay positive and remember it’s a PROCESS

SEGMENT 3: Steps to Creating a Space YOU Love with Lauren Figueroa

Lauren Figueroa is an interior designer covering West and Southeast Michigan. She joins us on the phone and talks about a concept she’ll be presenting at the Remodeling and New Homes Show in Grand Rapids, January 14 – 16.

Connect with Lauren here!

SEGMENT 4: Drop Cloths

You may think drop cloths are boring, but you’d be SO wrong! Sure they are absolutely critical to have on hand when you tackle paint projects around the home, but there’s so much more you can do! Just google “drop cloth projects” and sit back!

We talk about a few of the fun things people are doing with drop cloths and highlight a sale that we’ve got running right now.

Episode 246: Tool Snobbery, The Five Laws of Interior Design, Our Apologies to Plastic Drop Cloths
Episode 244: Smart Garage Door Openers, Veltman Painting on Kitchen Cabinets, and the Old Farmer's Almanac