Hooked on a Feeling

These days we’re all looking for comfort. And that comfort comes in all different forms. For some people, it’s the smell of cookies or bread filling the house. For others it’s curling up with a pet or loved one. And for some, it’s hobbies forgotten long ago but recently rediscovered.

Comfort can be found in colors, textures, and patterns. And color doesn’t have to be boring to be comforting. Sometimes we think neutrals are comfortable because it’s what we’re used to. But these blues, greens, and pale lavender can seem neutral when used in just the right way.

This soft yarn, with it’s pale green color, was crocheted into a warm pair of mittens. And although the season for this type of thing may be over, they can still bring comfort. There is a sense that no matter how bad things may seem, we can still create something beautiful, learn new things, feel a sense of accomplishment, and be comforted by the simple things.


Watercolor Sky
Reclaimed Space