Make a to-do list that works

How to Make a To-Do List That Works

A lot of us create to-do lists, but the trick to getting things done is to make a to-list that really works. Often, when we list everything we have to do for a given project or even a given day, we end up with enormous lists. These big lists overwhelm us and paralyze us. We don’t know where to start, so …

Win Some Decorating Bucks Now Through October 28!

We’ve all had this experience, I’m sure: you head to the grocery store to pick up a few extras for dinner. It should be simple. It should be cheap. I mean you need butter. And maybe bacon. Anyway . . . you snag the items you need, see a couple more basic food items you could use, grab some sandwich …

Making Christmas Brighter with Angel Tree

Christmas is rapidly approaching! And while that fills many of us with excitement and anticipation, there are many families in our community who will struggle. Angel Tree is a ministry run by the Salvation Army that allows us to help make Christmas a bit brighter by connecting Christmas gifts with kids and teens in our area who otherwise would possibly …

Quick “Before-the-Holidays-Arrive” Projects

The 2023 Holiday Season is officially here . . . and of course, that means everyone is rushing out to tackle a full-home repaint, right? Well, not really. At least not most of us! Typically, around this time of year, there are other things that keep our minds and money occupied. However, there are a lot of small-investment (both time …