EP206: Recharge, Refresh, and Relax

SEGMENT 1: Color Palette Recharge

Last month we started a new tradition of releasing curated color palettes! Each month you’ll find a new color palette in the store and on our instagram @repcolitepaints. April’s palette, Recharge, leans into warm colors that have become very popular. We discuss how to include bold colors in your own design.

SEGMENTS 2 & 3: A Dry Basement is a Good Basement

The battle against water in the basement may seem never ending. However, Zack Krieger from Ayers Basement Systems might hold the key to unlocking a truly dry basement. Zack fills us in on some of the most common problems and the Ayers Basement solutions!

SEGMENT 4: Deck Stains Explained

There is a lot of lingo when it comes to deck stains: translucent, semi-transparent, semi-solid, solid  . . . . All the varying opacities can be confusing but they have a big impact on the life of your deck. We discuss the differences so you can make the right choice.

EP205: From “Woe” to “Woah!”

SEGMENTS 1 & 2: Color Woes

Last week we heard a story that perfectly illustrated what so many of us go through when picking out paint colors. Today, we recount Caroline Dwan’s story that went from “Pretty in Pink” to “Miama Vice”. And we tell you how to avoid some common color mishaps!

SEGMENT 3: Seller’s Paradise

Usually we love talking about all the projects to tackle before listing your home. However, the current state of the real estate market left us wondering . . . do people really need to do anything before listing? We are joined by Sue Prins and Ginger Herman from Sue Prins Five Star Real Estate to find out the answer.

SEGMENT 4: The Great Debate . . . Gas vs. Electric

Most of us are getting into Spring Cleaning mode. If that’s you, you might find yourself wanting to clean the dirt off the deck, patio, or even your home’s exterior. A pressure washer is an obvious choice . . . but do you choose gas or electric? Do you buy or rent? We weight the pros and cons of each option so you can decide!

EP204: Thank Goodness for Multimeters, Floor Paint, and Tuberculoisis?

SEGMENT 1: Multimeters Are A Must-Have!

We discuss all of the times we wish we could have tested things around the house and car in order to figure out what is going wrong! The drive to the hardware store could be so much less stressful if only we could test batteries, cores, lights, and oven elements ourselves. Hear our case for why multi-meters are a must-have!

SEGMENT 2: Painted Floor Encore

Last week we gave you the rundown on HOW to paint wood floors. This week we dive more deeply into WHY we love this project so much. Now, we know that paint on wood is not for everyone, but there are times when painting a wood floor might be the perfect solution . . . not to mention something tremendously creative. The options are unlimited!

SEGMENT 3: Matching Stain and Expections

We are joined once again by our Jenison Store Manager, Mac Flook. This time, we discuss wood and vinyl flooring trends and what that means for stain matches. There definitely is a science to it. Learn what to consider when choosing wood and how to increase your odds of a good match.

SEGMENT 4: Thank You Tuberculosis?

Modernist design is a polarizing architecture. But the history of the modernist movement might surprise you. We discover that whether we like it or not, there’s a lot to learn from a style many consider “sterile” and “cold.” You may even end up thanking tuberculosis after you take your outdoor living to the next level.

EP203: Floor Painting Fever

SEGMENT 1: Planning Your Project

Sometimes we can get a little ahead of ourselves and projects that could have been quick and easy become stressful. We want to help you avoid the stress by reminding you of simple steps to take when planning your next paint project!

SEGMENTS 2 & 3: Real Estate Sharks

We have all heard rumors about the state of the Real Estate Market. This week, Sue Prins and Ginger Herman from Sue Prins Group Five-Star Real Estate give us the inside scoop. Should you wait or take the plunge?

And if you have any questions and would like to connect with Sue or Ginger, here’s their contact info:

  • Sue: 616-723-2400
  • Ginger: 616-633-5880

SEGMENT 4: Floor Painting Fever

If you are looking for ways to redesign your space on a budget, painted floors might be the ticket! There are a ton of possibilities and it works with every decorating style. We highlight some inspiration and practical tips.

EP202: Dutch Doors and Decoupage

SEGMENT 1: Weekend of Wallpaper

Last week we talked about ways to incorporate wallpaper into your design. This week, we want to dig into one of our favorite kids’ room wallpaper projects: creative cutouts!

Here’s what you’ll need:

RepcoLite Locations with Wallpaper Books

  • 17th Street Location (Holland)
  • Lakewood Blvd. Location (Holland)
  • Byron Center Location
  • Fulton Street Location (Grand Rapids)
  • Broadmoor Location (Grand Rapids)
  • Plainfield Ave. Location (Grand Rapids)
  • Kalamazoo Location

And also . . . in the course of the conversation, we talked about a dad who photoshops his kids’ drawings into realistic images. And they’re hilarious! There are a couple below. Click here for more!

SEGMENTS 2 & 3: Meet Mac Flook

Before becoming the Manager for our Jenison store, Mac went to school for Political Science. His plan was to go into medical law, but that slowly shifted. We learn why and discuss the value of trade skills.

SEGMENT 4: Dutch Door Friendly

Dutch doors date back to the 17th century and were extremely practical before screens were invented. Now they are coming back as a bold design feature that adds a ton of curb appeal . . . we weigh the pros and cons . . . .

EP201: The World of Wallpaper

SEGMENT 1: Spring Sump Pump Prep

Alliteration aside, now is a great time to make sure you’re ready inside and out for the Spring thaw and for the rain that will surely follow. We’ll give you all the tips and tricks to make sure your sump pump is ready for the job.

SEGMENT 2: Maybe . . . DON’T Do It Yourself

We are huge advocates of tackling projects yourself. However, there are a few we half learned to avoid. Here is your chance to learn from our mistakes!

SEGMENT 3: Find the RIGHT Professional

Everyone wants their home or their workspace to We can walk you through any paint project you may have. However, if you’re afraid of heights, painting your entire exterior might not be for you. Guest star, Ryan Mullen can help you find the right painter or contractor for the job.

SEGMENT 4: Wallpaper: The Next Generation

Starting the decorating process can be tricky . . . especially with kids. Wallpaper might e just what you need to kickstart the design! We discuss some of our favorite styles and how a little can go a long way. 

RepcoLite Locations with Wallpaper Books

  • 17th Street Location (Holland)
  • Lakewood Blvd. Location (Holland)
  • Byron Center Location
  • Fulton Street Location (Grand Rapids)
  • Broadmoor Location (Grand Rapids)
  • Plainfield Ave. Location (Grand Rapids)
  • Kalamazoo Location